Julien Maire du Poset Lead Up Avocats

+33 1 45 75 43 44


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Julien Maire du Poset



  • Admitted to the Paris Bar
  • Solicitor of England and Wales

Julien Maire du Poset, a member of the Paris Bar and a Solicitor of England and Wales, has over 15 years of experience. Julien has developed a practice in complex international contracts and cross-border litigation.

Julien focuses his practice on negotiating contracts and resolving disputes through arbitration, litigation or through the means of amicable dispute resolution. Julien provides strategic counsel to diverse clients spanning various industries, such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, SaaS software, online gaming, construction, distribution, automotive, and transport.

After working for renowned Parisian law firms in litigation and international law, Julien’s appetite for entrepreneurship led him to establish Lead up in 2017.

Julien was involved in drafting some of the International Chamber of Commerce’s main model contracts, including the ICC Model International Sale Contract and the ICC Model Turnkey Contract for Major Projects.

Julien is also a member of the LCIA’s European Users’ Council and serves on the organising committee for Tel Aviv Arbitration Week.

Selected Experience in Arbitration and Para-Arbitration Litigation:

  • Counsel for a European company in an ICC arbitration based in Singapore against an Asian manufacturer concerning a contract for the design and manufacture of an electronic device
  • Counsel for a Moroccan subcontractor against an international aerospace group in an ICC arbitration concerning the termination of its contract following a compliance investigation
  • Counsel for a French company in a pre-arbitration settlement relating to the termination of a distribution contract for spirits and liqueurs, subject to English law, following EU sanctions
  • Counsel for a French subcontractor in urgent proceedings in support of arbitration proceedings to obtain the appointment of a judicial expert in France
  • Counsel for an asset holder based in Eastern Europe in proceedings challenging the enforcement of an investment arbitral award
  • Sole arbitrator in an intellectual property dispute between two European companies concerning the development of an online platform

Selected Experience in Litigation:

  • Counsel for an English shareholder in a shareholder dispute before the High Court in London governed by English law
  • Counsel for a Monegasque client against a Middle East-based main contractor in a construction dispute in France, also involving parties in the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates
  • Counsel for a French company against an English company in a case before the International Chamber of the Paris Commercial Court concerning a group of contracts for the sale of medical devices
  • Counsel for a French agent against a Turkish company before the International Chamber of the Commercial Court of Paris in an international commercial agency dispute
  • Counsel for a Spanish company against a French entity in a dispute relating to an international contract for cooling equipment
  • Counsel for a Greek company in a dispute concerning the sale of a production line to a French entity
  • Enforcement of an Italian judgment in France against a French public entity
  • Numerous international and domestic debt recovery procedures

Selected Experience in Pre-Litigation:

  • Counsel for an agent subject to a compliance investigation by one of his clients, a major European group, and negotiating the termination of the contractual relationship. The contract was subject to English law
  • Counsel for the shareholders of a group specialising in the management of healthcare establishments in a shareholder dispute. The parties negotiated a settlement agreement as part of a mediation procedure
  • Counsel for a Chinese company in a dispute with a French buyer concerning the purchase of medical equipment. The parties reached a settlement after the initiation of legal proceedings
  • Examination for admission as a Solicitor of England and Wales
  • School of Criminal Defence
  • Admission to the Paris Bar
  • Master 2, Arbitration and International Trade, University of Versailles
  • Master, International Relations, University of East Anglia
  • Master, Business Law, University of Nice
  • Licence, University of Nice

Publications :

  • “Convention de Singapour sur la Médiation : un outil qui facilite la résolution amiable des litiges internationaux”, Échanges Internationaux, no. 113, p. 21, January 2019
  • Co-author of the MEDEF Practical Guide to the anti-corruption provisions of the Sapin II Act, writing of turnkey tools to help companies comply with the anti-corruption provisions of the Act and map risks, 2016-2017
  • Co-author of the ICC Model International Sale Contract, 2013 edition, ICC Publication no. 738E
  • Co-author of “Getting the deal through”, Construction France, 2009 to 2014
  • “Obligation pour le demandeur à l’arbitrage de concentrer ses demandes et ses moyens”, Commentaire sous Cass. Civ. 1re, 1 May 2008, Petites affiches, no. 199, p. 8, 3 October 2008
  • “Le nouveau contrat modèle de vente internationale de l’ICC”, Échanges Internationaux, no. 95, p. 12, 3rd Quarter 2012
  • “L’attribution de dommages et intérêts pour non-respect d’une clause attributive de jurisdiction”, Versailles International Arbitration and Business Law Review, no. 3, 2012
  • “Méconnaissance de la règle de l’estoppel par les arbitres et ordre public international”, Note sous Cass. 1re civ., 19 December 2012, Botas Petroleum, Petites Affiches, Petites Affiches, no. 86, p. 7, 30 April 2013
  • “Il y a urgence à mieux rédiger et à revoir les clauses de règlement amiable des litiges dans les contrats”, Versailles International Arbitration and Business Law Review, no. 5, 2014

Recent Speaking Engagements:

  • Lectures and training on the ICC Model International Sale Contract for ICC France, 2013-2014
  • Engaging in the arbitral arts: Investment treaty and international commercial arbitration, English Law Days, Erevan, Arménie, 8 June 2023
  • Why do business under French Law, what’s different?, Tel-Aviv Arbitration Week, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 28 February 2023
  • Le temps de la diversité en arbitrage, MACI Lecture, Paris, France, 17 October 2019

Academic involvements:

  • International Business Law, INSEEC Business School, 2014-2017
  • Arbitration and Civil Procedures, EFB, Paris, since 2015